ebay.com collections redesign

In the Fall of 2014 the Collections team set out to redesign the layout to give it an updated and more editorial look and feel. It was later featured in the national eBay brand campaign.

Collections are a feature on eBay that allows regular users (and professionals) to curate items they find on the site in groups and categories in a visual way. While some users use this as a wishlist or just things they like, other's utilize this as a story telling and editorial platform. Our main goal for the redesign was to create a layout that flexed to fit both of these needs.

Role: Lead designer

Designing a solution

After our foundational research, we saw three key opportunities to enhance the experience:

1. Have a mobile first approach

Classes fill up fast and parents often need to register as soon as possible in order to ensure they get a spot. Rather than having to carve out time to go to the YMCA or site around on their desktop computer, being able to sign up while on the go would greatly help the experience

2. Start with picking a branch

Before our redesign, the results show all of the classes from all of the branches. While they could filter out specific branches, it was a step that was often missed. As most of the users tend to go to a specific branch, this was not ideal and led to users mistakenly signing up for the wrong

3. Consistency where possible

While we couldn’t force consistency in course names across branches due to the 3rd party system in place, we could create a consistent category and subcategory list across branches.